
1/72 3D printed Fantasy figures

Posted by Santi Pérez on 27 Jul 2024, 11:36

Javier, they really are beautiful ogres...if that adjective can be applied to ogres, hahaha. :lol:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by blacksmith on 27 Jul 2024, 21:36

:-D Hahaha! Of course it can, they are cute
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 28 Jul 2024, 13:54

Citadel Miniatures! That takes me back.
I love your paint job, and that is a nice tribute trying to match the original painting.
It is interesting that 3D printing is giving new life to these old figures. I really hope the sculptor is getting remunerated.
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Bill Slavin  Canada

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Posted by blacksmith on 28 Jul 2024, 14:38

Bill Slavin wrote:Citadel Miniatures! That takes me back.
I love your paint job, and that is a nice tribute trying to match the original painting.
It is interesting that 3D printing is giving new life to these old figures. I really hope the sculptor is getting remunerated.

Thank you Bill! I suppose these 3d figures are just scans from original models now OOP, but I don't know.

Here's two new models, two old school Trolls I painted for my skirmishes.


And here's a comparative shot with a Dark Alliance Orc and a Caesar Dwarf.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Kekso on 29 Jul 2024, 18:43

Santi Pérez wrote:I share Donald's concern, as I too have neither the economic potential nor the knowledge to embark on the use of 3D printed figures. :(

Not having interest or time to learn new stuff was the main reason I didn't get 3d printer for long long time. Finally I got one and I've learned basics within few days. What I mean, you don't need much time to learn and practice.
Now I have another hobby and that is 3d printing of miniatures. An believe me, I have more printed figures than I can paint.
Problem is that supply of historical 3d files on the market isn't very big.

Regarding finance, one can start for about €200. For some that is big money, for others it isnt.
Therefore, I won't argue about that.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by blacksmith on 29 Jul 2024, 19:24

3d printing is a hobby in inteself.
I'm seeing a lot of historic models. Ancients, medieal, Naploeonic, modern like those from Cromarty and others.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 02 Aug 2024, 18:11

Funny trolls and so good painted! I love them! :love: :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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