
Caesar Assyrian Chariots

Posted by XbriX on 03 Jul 2024, 10:45

Good morning everyone! I've painted a box of Assyrian chariots from Caesar. Nice little models and figures (as always from Caesar). It surprised me how easy they were to put together, especially considering Caesar's soft plastic. I had lots of fun painting all the bright colours and bronze metallics. You might expect more ancients from me in the near future. Enjoy the photos!



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XbriX  Poland
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Posted by Ochoin on 03 Jul 2024, 13:22

XbriX wrote:. You might expect more ancients from me in the near future. Enjoy the photos!

These are lovely, so please do post more in future.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 03 Jul 2024, 19:26

Superb chariots, XbriX. Great job! :love:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Konrad on 04 Jul 2024, 06:38

Very nice work!
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by XbriX on 04 Jul 2024, 08:53

Thanks all for kind comments!
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XbriX  Poland
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16 Aug 2019, 08:04

Posted by blacksmith on 04 Jul 2024, 10:40

Very nice chariots! Are you using them with any particular ruleset?
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by PhilC on 05 Jul 2024, 07:03

Always nice to see Ancients figures, and we see Assyrians too rarely. Excellent job on these, please show us more!
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PhilC  Europe

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Posted by Rich W on 05 Jul 2024, 09:31

Nice work! More of these please!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by XbriX on 05 Jul 2024, 13:36

Thank you.

blacksmith wrote:Very nice chariots! Are you using them with any particular ruleset?

Not really. They are universally based on 40x60mm bases, so can be used for about any game I can think of.
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XbriX  Poland
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16 Aug 2019, 08:04

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