

Posted by blacksmith on 21 Aug 2023, 14:03

Well, not exactly.

After seeing a few videos about the Slapchop technique I decided to try it with the 1/72 soflt plastic ratmen from Caesar Miniatures.

I have to say that I'm not satisfied with the result, which seems to be quite different to the ones I saw on Youtube, so I suppose I must be doing something wrong. Maybe the miniatures are too small for Slapchop or maybe GW's contrasts or Army Painter's speed ones are more suited for that than Vallejo's Xpress, which are the ones I have at home.

The result is poor and the time and effort is superior to standard painting of block painting, dipping and a few lights. You need to prime the figure in black and then retouch it with a brush to cover those holes where the spray doesn't reach. After that, it's drybrushing it in pale grey and then drybrushing in white, to finally apply the contrast paint. If you ask me, it's too many steps and a poor result in the end.

I think I will paint another batch of ratmen with the dip and then post some pictures comparing both methods.

Here you have the first wave of "Skavens". The big one that will fight as an Ogre Rat, is an original GW's painted by a great friend from the hobby who gave it to me together with a box of Caesar's ratmen. I only painted the base and some lights on the metallic parts.


In this picture you can compare the figure on the left with the Slapchop technique, next to the one on the right primed in white and painted with Xpress directly. As you can see, there is no noticeable difference in the final result; maybe even the right one is better. BTW, I had to give two coats of Xpress to both figures to get a decent result, so it is more work added.


And finally and comparison between traditional block paint, dip and lights on the left and Slapchop with Xpress on the right.

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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 22 Aug 2023, 02:30

Nice looking minis, I quite like both methods. The comparison shots for the elf in the end are particularly helpful!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by elegantmess on 22 Aug 2023, 03:31

Nice to see those Ratmen painted. I may be biased, but I really enjoy your usual style of painting; the colors seem less muddy
elegantmess  United States of America
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 22 Aug 2023, 06:10

These are good, but your Gandalf and hobbits were better...
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 24 Aug 2023, 21:44

Interesting comparison. I think the technique you use for all your other wonderful figures is the one you should keep using, as you only ever present lovely painted figures on here normally!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by blacksmith on 25 Aug 2023, 10:36

Thank you Rich. I am just toying with different methods and as you can see, and I'll stick to the way I use to paint my minis. However, I'm still looking for the Grail of fast painting armies with good results. I think the varnish stain Minwax polyshades Tudor is the answer, but regretfully it is a product I cannot find in Spain.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Aug 2023, 13:32

Whether they are from the light or from the darkness, Rohirrim or Orcs, Hobbits or Skavens, the quality of the painting and the result is always spectacular, Javier. :drool: :drool: :drool:

Another very good job. Congratulations! :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 24 Sep 2023, 21:08

I'm not a fan of the "army painter" paints. I bought some of them to have some different colors and they didn't give the result I wanted.

I keep it with my acrylic paints and washes. ;-)

I like the figures but as Aaron said your other figures are better painted as these! :oops:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Susofrick on 25 Sep 2023, 09:17

I agree about the dip-method. And I am astonished that you have the time to paint figures this good and still test different methods! Great job even if I prefer your usual method it is nice to see the difference!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by blacksmith on 25 Sep 2023, 17:06

Thank you for the feedback guys. As I cannot seem a better way of painting other than the one I usually do, I'll stick to it :)
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Sep 2023, 12:41

Peter wrote:I'm not a fan of the "army painter" paints...

I have been using this brand's matt varnish for several years. It's the only product I use from them. Of all the matt varnishes I have tried, this is the one that gives the best result for my taste. ;-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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