Another day, another match... The battle happened some time ago, but I did not found the time to write the report until now.
After my defeat in the first battle of Zama here:
We decided to play a rematch: Bloody Zama: The Revenge!
The table was set. I placed a landing party with serious power on my left flank. And looking for a better position for my elephant. Andrea is allways afraid of elefants.
My dice shows a 6 which gives my the opportunety to unfold my army.
Sure they will win again the vain Romans attack on both flanks. But not in front of the elephant...
The close combat, was with no big effect on the left but on the right my Numidian Light Horse had to turn because of a one on the bloody dice. Should this be the beginning of the end again???
My Psiloi had to fight hard to be not overrun from the legionaries. But the solid line of shield get out of ordeer because one unit followed the light African fighters.
And again I got a lucky dice and enough PIPs to move as I wish. After a short council of war in Hannibals tent the Gallic Warband attacked the Roman blades and with a quick kill they where send to Hades. My left flank was relieved.
One the right my general was in the lead of my light cavalry and some psiloi against the lighter troops of the Romans fighting from higher ground. But due to my lucky dice I could get the better formation with my horsemen.
I was smiling inside and thought about taking the camp already.
But now the Romans went on the offensive again.
The Blades try to push my left flank in the sea and the psiloi prevent my cavalry from marching forward. And at the end of this close combat I had lost some brave Numidians.
My smiling had disapeared and my general was confronted with overwhelming force on the right. Once more it looks like anothe defeat and I had to find the right answer.
To give relieve on the right flank. I had to get enough PIPs to move on all other places of the wasteland of northern Africa (ok it is green, who cares...)
At this critical moment I was lucky again and could release the horror to my Italian opponent. The elephant was moving togehter with an overall attack from the center to the far left.
Another unit of legionaries was killed because the could not run away from the elephant. And the next roman attack was without any result. The psiloi were pushed back by my mighty general. My Gallic warband was screaming already on the other side of the field. It was time to finish the day in my favour.
My Warband get around the blades waiting for the quick kill. My heavy infantry get support from the psiloi closing the door for another troop of romans and the elephant runs against the fancy velites.
we rolled the dices...
The psiloi were only pushed back...
but the blades were killed and my general stunned and killed some velites on the right wing. The battle was over.
Nicely painted but now meeting the Lemures in Plutos side oth the world.
Victory for Carthago!
In the meantime everything is like it should be again: I lost in the middleage and so it will continue I think