General Wargaming

Septimus M Barme...

Posted by Harry Faversham on 22 Jan 2023, 11:51

If not the richest, certainly the busiest denizen of Dead Man's Gulch!




Hard at work is Mr. James Frazer, Septimus' dour Scotch (are there any other kind!) assistant...
having already fitted one pine overcoat, he's hard at it with a second!


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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Peter on 22 Jan 2023, 19:08

Nice "non violent ( 8) )" figures!
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 23 Jan 2023, 12:57

Thanks, those two just tidy up after the violence appertains! I've had a pack of townsfolk for Dead Man's Gulch for yonks, next few weeks I'll try and get them painted up.
Next up is the Bordello, run by one Dolores Trollope, the best little whorehouse in Texas!

:-D :oops: :-D
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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 23 Jan 2023, 15:25

Dead Man's Gulch's premier Bordello, run by one Dolores Trollope...
the best little whorehouse in Texas!


Dolores, with two of her security consultants!


Soiled Doves...


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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Kekso on 23 Jan 2023, 18:05

I really like it. So, we can expect whole street or even town in the future?
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2023, 23:12

Kekso wrote:I really like it. So, we can expect whole street or even town in the future?

I hope so! :mrgreen:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Peter on 24 Jan 2023, 13:19

I'm waiting for hotel blue, yellow, green, purple........... :mrgreen:

Nice! ;-) :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Susofrick on 24 Jan 2023, 13:37

I am also hoping for more! Looks very promising!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 25 Jan 2023, 14:32

Well, now that you mention it...




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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Peter on 25 Jan 2023, 17:42

That's what I call a very nice town! :love:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Bill Slavin on 27 Jan 2023, 15:07

Looks great! That looks like an excellent little town for a dust up.
But I think it would benefit by some browner foliage, a sand coloured textured ground cloth, a bit of tumble weed, scatter some kitty litter. More gulchy!!
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Bill Slavin  Canada

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Posted by MABO on 02 Feb 2023, 22:54

Nice gaming table! Your collection is so laaaaarge, it seem! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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MABO  Europe
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