General Wargaming

Gaming groups

Posted by Ochoin on 18 Feb 2023, 23:53

Whilst not quite like getting married, the composition of a wargaming group is important. The "wrong" people grouped together simply won't work.

You must have a group who are hopefully interested in the same periods, scales, rule sets - or at least tolerant of the preferences of the others.

You should be willing to contribute something in the way of figures, terrain etc though it need not be an equal contribution.

You must, importantly, have the same attitude to winning & losing. Our group is quite gentlemanly with much congratulating of the winners & never any hard feelings over adverse results.

In our group's early days, there was a certain amount of coming & going. The "going" were people who never contributed anything (the "sponger"), the overly competitive ( "Winning is EVERYTHING") and the haters of 1/72 plastic ("if it's not 28mm metal, it's a toy"). However, the 6 of us have formed a stable group for a number of years.

I'm going to introduce a "New Guy". We don't game all that much, sadly, but because we're all busy, it's sometimes difficult to get opponents. I think 2 more in the group would be optimum. We'll have to see how this goes because until you've met with someone across a gaming table, you don't really know them.

What are your experiences of groups in gaming?

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Ochoin  Scotland
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

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