Group Builds

Bennos Figures Forum Great Miniature Figures Parade 2017

Posted by MABO on 22 Jan 2017, 20:28

Hello Folks,

It is January and so it is time to present the 2017 Group Build. I hope
you are prepared and colours and brushes are in ready position for:

Bennos Figures Forum Great Miniature Figures Parade (BFFGMFP)

This year it is mainly the idea of

Bennos Figures Forum Famous Lovely Moderator Peter (BFFFLMP)

We have discussed it in Antwerpen at the Crisis last November and I think It is a very good idea.

Until June I would like to motivate you to assemble a big column of marching figures. All periods are allowed, of course. As a result we can build up a parade through all times.

The minimum for taking part is one single figure, but we all would appreciate a Big Column.

So I f you paint a little formation it would be great.

What else I would like to recommend:
Not everybody should paint Nappy French Infantry or Confederate Infantry Marching. Take a unit from your country or your region and paint it: Napoleonic Baden Infantry, Scotsmen, Australians, Poles,Burgundian medieval footsoldiers, 7YW Austrian Grenadiers - whateveryou like most.
British Paras are a good choice as well...

We have members here from all over the world so we can be very international. Here are examples for you:

The origin of all marching sets:


Caesar Egyptians:

Germania Figures:



Germania Figures:


Fredericus Rex / Valdemar:

Fredericus Rex / Valdemar:




Red Box:


Red Box


Fredericus Rex:

Hagen Miniatures:










Revell / Accurate

Germania Figuren



A Call to Arms











These are examples of figures you can use. As you see there is no limit for your ideas. But the figures should march. So no cavalry and no cars or afv for example.

And let the show be more colourful:
Include flagbearers and musicians. So your choosen country can be presented with it's colours.

Please send the figures without the individual foot-plate. I will base them.

If possible you should be ready at the beginning of may. I need a little
time to assemble everything. Like every year this will not be possible for a lot of guys but it would be great.

We will have three topics dealing with the BFFGMFP.

This is this topic for the general discussion and organisational questions.

Then we will have a work In Progress topic

and at last a Gallery with entries ready.

Please add your post in the right topics as well as your pictures.

I am counting on you and I think we can have a very impressive new
presentation in June at the FIGZ. And keep in mind: If you could not
come there personally, you can show you work this way. Maybe it will be
also presented somewhere else.

So – once more - get on your marks and let's start!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Peter on 22 Jan 2017, 21:14

Sorry guys, but there was beer involved when we were talking! :oops:

But to be clear, I'm in! The Belgians will go on the march! :thumbup:
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Posted by Susofrick on 23 Jan 2017, 08:54

I'm sober, but in!
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Posted by Das_Dirch on 23 Jan 2017, 09:21

Hello Jan,

thanks for organize a new group build. Great idea. I´m in.
Where I have laid my brushes and colors. :-D

@ Peter dont drink and think :mrgreen:
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 10:52

Hoho, three of the diehards are in. I was counting on you. So three hundred figures are in as well. Gunnar, I hope you will paint Swedish Infantry from Zvezda or HäT. A Blue/Yellow Troop. I am looking forward to see first pictures of Figures off-sprue...
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 10:53

And btw, Dirk: We both drink during Crisis to forget about the bugs we spend on useless plasticfigures...
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Posted by mickey mouse on 23 Jan 2017, 11:58

I'm in also. Though most likely no Dutch troops for me. I shall see what I can send you, Jan.
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 12:18

I have posted the Germania British Paras for you, of course. :yeah:
6 Figures no problem... :mrgreen:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Susofrick on 23 Jan 2017, 12:52

Hmm, first I thought about ACW, but I do have an old competition-entry that needs a freshing up! Zvezda's Swedes for the Great Northern War. I'll see what I can do! But some (well, a lot) of my painting space will be occupied by plants soon so we'll see. Maybe there will be a tomato coming instead of figures. :-)
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Posted by mickey mouse on 23 Jan 2017, 13:16

MABO wrote:I have posted the Germania British Paras for you, of course. :yeah:
6 Figures no problem... :mrgreen:

Might be others manufacturer(s) :mrgreen:
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mickey mouse  Netherlands
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 14:12

But we need marching figures, no fighting bods!!!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Das_Dirch on 23 Jan 2017, 14:21

MABO wrote:And btw, Dirk: We both drink during Crisis to forget about the bugs we spend on useless plasticfigures...

That explains a lot of thinks :mrgreen:
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Das_Dirch  Germany
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Posted by mickey mouse on 23 Jan 2017, 14:28

MABO wrote:But we need marching figures, no fighting bods!!!


Marching enough? :mrgreen:
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mickey mouse  Netherlands
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 14:36

Yes, but he is so lonely...
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by santifernandez on 23 Jan 2017, 19:15

If I have some time, it is possible for some Spanish warrior to attend the parade.
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 19:48

Hello Santi, that is good to read. What period are you thinking about?
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Posted by santifernandez on 23 Jan 2017, 20:02

MABO wrote:Hello Santi, that is good to read. What period are you thinking about?

I still do not know, I have to look for some French figures to modify in Spanish soldiers of the division 9 of the IIWW or something Napoleonic.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jan 2017, 20:37

I will follow this with great interest, of course.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Peter on 23 Jan 2017, 22:57

That makes five of us! Germany (2x), The Netherlands (1x), Spain (1x) and Belgium (1x). Who's next? :-D

If there are not the right figures for your country, use your imagination and create your own unit in the colours of your country. ;-)
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by MABO on 24 Jan 2017, 00:10

But I think there are so many units available, it should be possible for sure to find one easily.
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MABO  Europe
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