
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Rich W on 09 Mar 2023, 00:13

Very nice BB. I wish I had your hands on approach to these things!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Mar 2023, 08:02

Rich W, Thank's for commenting. :thumbup:
:coffee: If only i could put my own socks on again,
Then i would feel quite wonderful! BB

:sst: 'it's a rare gift to be able to do that simple surprising thing',
said the little button.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 11 Mar 2023, 06:01


Here upon such a morning as did lay its inches white across every tree, garden bush and hedgerow,along with every rooftop and garden that had a wide open delight to welcome it,it saw me adding another sort of sticky white upon my ancient twisted wire trees, quite unlike that soft woollen snow flouting down outside.
By far it is best these things come in odd numbers, so three of these odd job upper reaching things were being somewhat with a wobble to fingers worked on .

So this was therefore not a normal day,for such things are far from wanted by little portly me. Hum drum rattling along in the same mood of normality i tell you,yes that is not good for a sprouting Fiddle Wood Gnome such as i, because gad there is no knowledge to be had ,or hidden treasure to be had in it for any reclusive earth dweller like me. i jest of course upon the wondering lane of english whit. :mrgreen: He does, :thumbup: Glad of it too I am. :sst: me a'nall.

Image Opp's! There U R,

Now no sooner had i started dipping and dabbing when my dearest Mrs B,arrived home from her S A S type training of 5 to 8 miles a day of striding it out with Bella,our lovable companion dog.
Soon after dodging the hiss of steam from the kitchen kettle,she rounded the doorway into the hallway,and snapped some pictures with her new apple i pad, of my hobby area under the stairs.

ImagePepper pot glue.

And so it was that as the tea brewed in the large white china pot without a lid,i managed to return to the idle-some task to hand,pottering and figuring out what goes where. later i would rattle along typing this,which certainly proved it not to be a normal day in my long life.
:eh: And yes BB,did break that china lid! :drool: o'dear.

Well my friends untill the next one,
stay safe.stay well. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 11 Mar 2023, 22:08

The snow and ice had no desire to hang around Norwich.
It melted away in full retreat!


The last of three branches were white glued awaiting their matching canopy.
:mrgreen: The production line has certainly speeded up.
:eh: It has? :sst: sure it has wingnut. :eh: Ok .


So it was that the time arrived to glue up in white the other tree. This will dry out transparent on all my tree's,no matter what shaped form i chose.


This takes a little longer than using a spray bottle,but it avoids all the cleaning up after it is all done and gleaming white. It might sound strange but by doing so i get to realise just how to trim this tree in my minds eye,because i am so familiar with each crow foot designed shape.

:coffee: With only two more smaller sized tree's to apply this straight forward odd numbered process upon, I'll show them all finished on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Bessiere on 12 Mar 2023, 00:21

I bought some metal tree trunks. Never could get stuff to stay on them so I gave up. Glad you have more resolve than I to see it through.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 Mar 2023, 03:50

Thank you,David,for your comment, :thumbup:
it is always good to get feedback. :thumbup:


When my oldest homemade tree's seen above,finally fell to peices,i thought yes they had lasted over 15 years inspite of lots of bits that had fallen by the way side each time that i fetched them out for a photo shoot. A greater irratation had been their determined effort of dam well falling over. So with those two dire actions annabled i had born the results of it long enough. So i determined to address the cause of why it had happened ,which mainly because of myself failing in their design pattern of construction thus causing the long drawn out but ultimate destruction of those beastly things.


The New tree's,
are now what i determined they should be,sure there are flaws but falling over and to peices is not two of them. So i am well pleased with all the former actions i have taken reaching back over 3 years ago up until today. The main thing i believe is that preperation counts the most in collecting everything needed well before construction takes place. The use of my Wet Water and how it sinks in,is the mainstay here within this topic that has made everything dry hard enough to withstand countless times of movement anyone could wish to employ.

:coffee: OK,Guys it's time for Bed.
Stay safe,Stay well. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 17 Mar 2023, 05:07


He was found in the gutter by my Dearest Mrs B, who brought him home knowing full well that i would add him to the road kill section of our toy figure collection.


i believe he will have many an adventure especially after he meets Fred and MayBell.


FRED & MAYBELL The Wilderness Years writen by BB.

Lots of tree tops were soaked in my Wet Water method,so they are drip dripping at this moment.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. BB
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Posted by Susofrick on 17 Mar 2023, 10:36

Great to see. And I think Fred and Maybell will take good care of him!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 18 Mar 2023, 13:24


Thank you Gunnar, for your friendly comment. :thumbup: Fred and MayBell, fully agree as do i.

In my imagination the newest road kill figure earned his own name quite easily,because of the rubber sucker under his feet. Hense his new name of Young Master Lickandstick! Which definitely suits him way down to the grounding he will hapily stick to.
:eh: Yes BB,does so often like to stick names to whome he likes,and in my case,I became WingNut!
:coffee: very true. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 18 Mar 2023, 15:40


i keep all the empty pots for cheap hobby days of open display.


A nice little bed was prepaired for the molding of the tree foliage. No skill required but a little savvy does help. :mrgreen: That means common sense. :eh: It do? :mrgreen: Yes. :eh: Ok!


Of course this is the start of another molding box spree with each having three layers.


With the crow foot branches awaiting the next part,these shaped blobs should suit well to snuggle down a fitting to each one. Above all none of them will be a look alike at all.


Three small globs of glue were added on top,and covered over to help form the next level.


Yogurt pot's were used to flatten it down snug creating the last level.


So 36 Parts were sqeezed into neat little space without any complicated effort at all. And they spent the night and the next day upon a warm radiator.


Tipped out and sorted leaves one with double sided topping for all the tree branches.
No fuss no bother. :sst: now ain't that cool? :coffee: !t sure is little button BB
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Posted by MABO on 18 Mar 2023, 22:28

Beside the trees: Great castle!
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Posted by Bessiere on 19 Mar 2023, 05:43

Now I see why nice trees are so expensive to buy. They're kinda last on my list of must-haves working on 3 armies at the same time. I've already put over 5 years in to a project and I haven't even played a game or finished an army yet - but I am getting close (?), at least having a representative unit or 4 of all the French units. My Austrians are nearly done but I want more than 9 cavalry brigades. Fr -v- Au in the main event! one day...eh?
When I do get around to making trees I'll have a much clearer idea of how to do it well so thank you very much.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Beano Boy on 20 Mar 2023, 02:55

Thank you Bessiere, for commenting. :thumbup: i believe it to be a noble quest to build up the panorarmic view of massed formations of toy soldiers upon a table top of determined activity! BB
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Posted by Peter on 20 Mar 2023, 17:55

Thank you for sharing all these nice tips with us!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 27 Mar 2023, 03:14

Ah! The Mysterious Castle. Thank you Jan, :thumbup: it does sort of call out to me oddly that is, well in my imagination that is, for more work with a sharp chizzle to be chipping away at the odd stone to make jointed embeded walls a tight fit,but alas the days seem to fly by me and it seems that i've sort of done nothing hobby-wise that is until now..

Not wishing to represent external reality this is my last twisted wire and rubber foam Abstract rough and ready tree of this size.


Showing where the last two parts were to be planted into place.


This part of the last tree was about to be stuck into place.


Now finished it rests upon a large yogurt pot, it now awaits the hardening process already discribed.

:mrgreen: So that completes 18 trees, :cowboy: plus 5 lengths of hedgerow. :sst: i like odd numbers and very odd things. :eh:Thats a lot of twisted wire. :cowboy: It sure Darn is Pards.

:coffee: Stay safe,stay well,and i'll see you on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by MABO on 09 Apr 2023, 06:19

Convincing trees, looking at the last picture, Paul!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 28 Apr 2023, 09:59


:coffee: A rather late reply,"Thank you Jan." :thumbup: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 04 Sep 2023, 22:45

Another late reply. Thank you Peter. :thumbup: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Susofrick on 05 Sep 2023, 08:00

As usual lovely stuff. Great trees and great stairs, but I think those aliens(?) will have trouble getting up the stairs. So it can be safe a bit up in the house. ... Wait a minute! They can probably fly! Oh, no!!!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Sep 2023, 23:47

:sst: https://youtu.be/GttqZ3vS43w

Imagesci fi set

The Spiderlings don't fly. However Fred, does in a most unusual way after implementing his ellevation funtion,a wonderful thing i discovered over four years ago when making the video above.
:mrgreen: As for over friendly Fred,he had forgotten everything about it for years after he got blown up on this very Forum soon after BB, arrived here 10 years ago. :eh: You mean... :mrgreen: Yes,BB, blew up the poor little fellow. :sst: but bb,did sort of mend him topsy turvy style soon afterwards.

:eh: Below is shear madness!

:coffee: Cotton Bud, dipping has begun. Well it is only a hobby! BB

Beano Boy  England
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