Here upon such a morning as did lay its inches white across every tree, garden bush and hedgerow,along with every rooftop and garden that had a wide open delight to welcome it,it saw me adding another sort of sticky white upon my ancient twisted wire trees, quite unlike that soft woollen snow flouting down outside.
By far it is best these things come in odd numbers, so three of these odd job upper reaching things were being somewhat with a wobble to fingers worked on .
So this was therefore not a normal day,for such things are far from wanted by little portly me. Hum drum rattling along in the same mood of normality i tell you,yes that is not good for a sprouting Fiddle Wood Gnome such as i, because gad there is no knowledge to be had ,or hidden treasure to be had in it for any reclusive earth dweller like me. i jest of course upon the wondering lane of english whit.

He does,

Glad of it too I am.

me a'nall.

Opp's! There U R,
Now no sooner had i started dipping and dabbing when my dearest Mrs B,arrived home from her S A S type training of 5 to 8 miles a day of striding it out with Bella,our lovable companion dog.
Soon after dodging the hiss of steam from the kitchen kettle,she rounded the doorway into the hallway,and snapped some pictures with her new apple i pad, of my hobby area under the stairs.

Pepper pot glue.
And so it was that as the tea brewed in the large white china pot without a lid,i managed to return to the idle-some task to hand,pottering and figuring out what goes where. later i would rattle along typing this,which certainly proved it not to be a normal day in my long life.

And yes BB,did break that china lid!

Well my friends untill the next one,
stay safe.stay well. BB