
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Susofrick on 06 Sep 2023, 07:59

I hope you teached how to land before you learned him to fly ... but since it is you I am not that woried. Nice video!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 18 Sep 2023, 00:28


The first of three support rings was cut out as always freehand using a very sharp pointed craft knife. So i have two complete bases to make and another step for each of them too.


The all important card board tube was left over from two pack's of parcel wrapping paper. So the principal being,both sort of came into my scratch building stash for free.
:mrgreen: Yes guys BB,is a hoarder. :eh: A what?
:sst: he is a person that has difficuilty throwing away left over material that usualy is thrown away into the carbage bin. :coffee: Well i suffer not of Hoarding Disorder,because i see the future value of certain things that i cannot buy,but can use later. :cowboy: Yip,BB, I can remember when you found WingNut!
:eh: You mean he saved me? :coffee: Well i guess i certainly saved you all from the quietude of total silence. :eh: Gulp!

:coffee: By the way i flipped the picture to give you insight on what both will look like . So i need to finish off both novelties when i get time off to do so.
My Mrs,B said she would spray paint them for me.Which is very kind of her.

I'll see you all on the next one.
Stay safe,Stay well. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 24 Sep 2023, 18:01

Thanks for sharing Paul! Nice stairs! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Nov 2023, 11:46

:coffee: Below is not just any old cut-out,but one that can change upon a whim.
:mrgreen: Well that is what scratch building is all about. :eh: It is? Well, yes yes. I mean it is.

:coffee: Upon my word, it also has room enough for a dead center swinging hinged doorway if my mind has such a fanciful idea for one. Well it has been such a while since my last posting that i must surely raise an interest here again.


This is actually a facade, that will front a smile or two upon many a double sided bookcase each having eight stretched out shelves, and in this cut out state it eagerly awaits the architrave that will hopefully give it a pleasant lift to the average passing eye.

ImageCotton bud stem

A sample post stuck strongly into place upon this simple spiralling step. i need a structure that can be handled without being flimsy and prone to break! So although the balustrade has not been fully designed yet i know the main posts of each section will be up to scratch where i am concerned.

:coffee: i am thinking metal chain and shot gun pellets, but then i don't know.
:eh: What! :mrgreen: That's just BB, being BB, for you.
:sst: bb, last used those iron balls upon his railway bridge.


Here is a simple cut through base plate with the first anchoring step stuck into place, and with this all glued up with the main pillar pushed into place made for a good strong bounding upright fit.


Over 14,000 loose book props lay sleepy-like in two shoe boxes.


The master plan is to design 20 larger, taller double sided archways to house them all.

A Once Upon A Time, Picture


My own castings i made 6 years ago will stand topside to finish each off to a spiralling success.

:coffee: OK my friends,
stay active but safe,
and i'll see you on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Konrad on 10 Nov 2023, 15:20

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Posted by Minuteman on 10 Nov 2023, 21:11

A fine display of scratch-building. What high quality modelling indeed, achieved through patience and imagination. Well done Mr BB. :yeah: :notworthy:
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Posted by Kekso on 11 Nov 2023, 08:09

Beano Boy wrote:

Over 14,000 loose book props lay sleepy-like in two shoe boxes.

:shock: OMG :shock: Impressive is not right word for this.
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Posted by Konrad on 11 Nov 2023, 16:59

Kekso wrote:Impressive is not right word for this.

Very impressive. ;-)
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Nov 2023, 01:46

:coffee: Many thank's guys for commenting. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by Susofrick on 15 Nov 2023, 10:52

Hmm, I think I have to make myself a little smaller so I could fit in at BB's marvelous extraordinary library! If I'm small enough he won't notice that I drink some of his tea and coze around among his bookshelves!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 18 Nov 2023, 20:41

Phew, BB, it's a titanic job. :shock:

Lots of encouragement for all that is still to come. :thumbup:

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Posted by Beano Boy on 20 Nov 2023, 03:30


:coffee: It was upon the 'tick,tock, Dong' of the wall clock ,
upon reaching the hour that determined cutting out time had arrived again.
The long timbers for shelving were cut to size and are ready for scribing out using a black ballpoint pen.
Likewise the oblong center spine awaits my wobbly penmanship.


First Side Template to be cut out

Library steps.


The middle cross section Template has not been drawn out yet.
Likewise the upper platform and the steps will follow suit later.


Second Side Template for cutting.

Templates are designed to draw pen and ink around,
This system is employed to save time on the measuring and marking out process again,
if one or more is needed.

:coffee: Well my Forum friends,and visitors
Until the next one stay safe,stay well. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 Nov 2023, 07:38


A short while back i made a sample upright spindle using the stem of a cotton bud. It always pays to do samples before racing ahead into no mans land of bitter disappointment. Here i was testing out the white glues strengh by using it as contact glue. Sure i always apply this sound reason in most of my hobby style work,however i had never tried fixing an upright rail in a tiny place. Well upon contact it remain fixed into place. Later i applied the same glue upon each side as if welding and the result is very strong.


:cowboy: 1000 .22 Cal Copper slugs for a rifle.
:coffee: Just right for fantasy type projects where there are no rules.


A make-shift jig used for cutting out the balustrade spindles.
Made with four paper card parts.There is an oblong bottom section, with two pieces stuck into place one either side that creates the center grove. Another small section of card stuck across the piece forms the all important stop.


So the jig produces parts all the same length.
Presently i need 450 spindles for the stairs.


With each one cut they simply slide off via the grove. So the small production line is up and running again.

Thanks for your visit,
and i'll see you on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 Nov 2023, 02:33


Three French Line Lancers were filmed a riding out.

Today lots more typing,marking out that which is to come. Inspite of huge price increase on the paper card i use in my hobby i can still afford to buy it at £10,00 a sheet. It was £4.00 per large sheet three years ago ,but as we all realise everything is upon the rise.


And so it was i marked out mid sections the first 4 of twelve.


i can cut out 6 from one sheet of paper card which is still good value for my money laid out. Each is the double sided midle section of an archway of books. Which means the shelving is to be stuck into place where the lines have been marked out. So this 6 will turn into another 12, for rank and file books to shuffle happily upon...

So once more this will keep me busy,beavering away on this scratch-building system .


:coffee: Hanging in the hallway upon a certain clouth hook, the first batch that i made way back when,so now with some of these added i sort of have more than a few more. :mrgreen:

O well this has been another 3 hours of scratch building fun. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 Nov 2023, 17:18


1st sample stairway balustrade :sst: ornamental chain link perhaps?


Total 18 Book archways. :coffee: BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 26 Nov 2023, 13:48


A fine start to another week in Fiddle Wood Norwich

This Sunday arrived with fresh winds,but it being dry outside was a pleasent change for my Mrs B,as she headed out upon her rather early walk with Bella,our little dog eager to get up to speed. i waved them bye! just before they rounded the quiet courtyard corner. And so it was that i managed to do some of my hobby style sticking up of my day,which was quite a relaxing occupation of heart to do and as i finished off the last one in view somewhere above, Mrs B,arrived home from her two hour 6 mile walk. As usual Bella, dashed head long to her large water bowl splish,splash, lapping water everywhere in the kitchen. :coffee: Oh', Well it's just another day in Fiddle Wood, i thought to myself as i put the kettle on for a quick well earned brew of strong T.
:mrgreen: Peter loves that stuff that helped build empires.
:coffee: i'm only kidding Peter.


Oh Gunnar,i fear that upon your shrinking for entry here it might turn up side down scary for you,as strange things happen around this old ancient space. Especially as darkness of night desends upon it,and heavy things start to move out of place as if a noisy giant machine is actively helping with a high powered hiss to achive their end result as they climb up and down walls, and across drifting cob webbed ceilings then down to vacant floors again.
:sst: bb,this is kinda scary! :eh: But what about the falling books? :cowboy: Well,I recken you'll be a picking e'm all up WingNut.
:eh: But how would I do such a thing,when I can't see them?
:mrgreen: I bet BB,has a flash-light?
:coffee: No way would you find me in this place after dark.
:sst: me anall,said the little button. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 04 Dec 2023, 01:38


:coffee: It has been way over two years since i put cutting knife to paper in order to make these book shelves so i must admite it did not come easy to my mind or my mits which did make rather a lot of hectic mess. :mrgreen: Here the mess comes in for free. :eh: It do? :cowboy: Sure it does. :eh: ok.


Anyway the first of a few fell into place,and for sure paint will cover over all unsightly marks.


Brackets to support and help make the shape of my archway canopy is the next little job style effort to do tomorrow. :sst: an then finish off number one.

:coffee: C U on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 04 Dec 2023, 15:51


:coffee: The first brand new double sided archway i finished today,and it will hold 480 neatly stacked books.However i tend not to do neat at all,and Sir Percy,and Stalla will not mind if crush! crush! i cram a lot more onto each shelf as if they were all mountain climbing. i also decided to collarge one side of this scratch build all into one photograph. :eh: BB, has gone mad. :mrgreen: Bonkers! in fact. :sst: i always thought there was something very odd about my friend bb. :cowboy: Well i only ever sleep in my boots,so i must be a little touched too. :eh: I am getting awfully confushed with all this. :coffee: i only wished to save space upon the Forum.
:mrgreen: Now everyone will need military field glasses to see e'm.

:coffee: It all started with that little spoon,that looked so large on the pictures. :read: Enty into this journal, everything is now a lot smaller.

:coffee: O',my i'll see you on the next one.
Unless you too have shrunk done in size!
Now where did i leave my glasses? BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 Dec 2023, 15:36


After leaving Mary Poppins...
She continued Scrolling Upon a Winters Breeze!

"O Dear me, what has happened here?" Missy asked herself.


:coffee: Never being one to stretch a point...
:mrgreen: He,he, that's our BB


:coffee: The Alice book opening slightly upon my table, caused them all to role out, and they appear to be scrolls of ancient maps. Some i saw uncurl open and flipping over they curled up the other way, while some remained wide open flat.
:eh: "Crazy things tend to happen around here."
:sst: "it most certainly do too."
:coffee: However...The biggest mystery here is who is Missy?
Hopefully i'll c u on the next one BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 12 Dec 2023, 16:28

Impressive what you are doing here! I like it a lot! :thumbup:

Can't Mary Poppins (I like that figure very much), help you a hand? :P

And no it is time for my coffee! :mrgreen: :coffee:
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