
Pendraken's 2023 Releases!

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 20 Aug 2023, 00:41

We originally planned to have these released last year alongside the Peninsular project but they're here now!

These new generic Confederation troops are designed to fill some of the minor contingents provided to the French army in Spain. They adopted French organisation with grenadier and voltigeur elite companies, wearing either French or German-style uniforms. Figures wearing the French 'habit' can be sourced from the existing 1809 range and then these new figures in a jacket-type 'habit-veste' and 'kollet' will fill in for the rest.

As well as the above, we've also added some extra Spanish infantry in march attack poses, just for those folks who prefer their units to be in more regular formations.


1809 Confederation - ... 1159-c.asp
NCR1    Fusiliers in overall trousers    £6.00
NCR2 Grenadiers/Voltigeurs in overall trousers    £6.00
NCR3 Fusiliers in breeches and gaiters    £6.00
NCR4 Grenadiers/Voltigeurs in breeches and gaiters    £6.00

Peninsular Spanish
NSP31 Cazadores in 1802 uniform, march attack    £6.00
NSP32 Cazadores in 1805 uniform, march attack    £6.00
NSP33 Fusiliers in 1805 irregular uniform, march attack    £6.00

(All packs contain 30 foot)

And some pics...

Fusiliers in overall trousers:

Grenadiers/Voltigeurs in overall trousers:

Fusiliers in breeches and gaiters:

Grenadiers/Voltigeurs in breeches and gaiters:

Cazadores in 1802 uniform, march attack:

Cazadores in 1805 uniform, march attack:

Fusiliers in 1805 irregular uniform, march attack:
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
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14 Aug 2013, 01:09

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 30 Aug 2023, 23:41

We've had a lot of messages asking about these so we can now announce that the 10mm Chieftains are available!  With almost 2000 produced, these were used by the British army in the BAOR but saw all of their active service in the Middle East during the Iran-Iraq War and the 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

All 5 of our versions have the same 120mm gun, with the Mk 2 being the first service variant and the Mk 5 being the main production version.  Mk 2's were then upgraded to Mk 5 spec to create Mk 6's.  Further improvements were made during the 1975 'Totem Pole' programme, resulting in the addition of Stillbrew armour (Mk 10) and later the TOGS (Thermal Observation Gunnery Sight) system on the Mk 11.

Modern Vehicles -
MDV90    Chieftain Mk 2    £4.50   
MDV91    Chieftain Mk 5    £4.50
MDV92    Chieftain Mk 6    £4.50
MDV93    Chieftain Mk 10 (Stillbrew)    £4.50
MDV94    Chieftain Mk 11 (Stillbrew & TOGS)    £4.50

And some pics:

Chieftain Mk 2:

Chieftain Mk 5:

Chieftain Mk 6:

Chieftain Mk 10:

Chieftain Mk 11:

Next up we'll have some new multi-scale fences for you, and then the FV432s!
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
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14 Aug 2013, 01:09

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 16 Sep 2023, 00:12

It's been a while since we've had any new MDF products but after seeing some requests on Facebook we asked Ashley to knock up some picket fencing designs for us. Available in 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm and 28mm, these all match the sizes of our other regular/irregular fencing sets.

Red Vectors -

RED-6FNC-04 6mm picket fencing 70mm lengths x 10, 8mm high (including base) £2.50

RED-10FNC-04 10mm picket fencing 80mm lengths x 10, 11mm high (including base) £3.00

RED-15FNC-04 15mm picket fencing 120mm lengths x 10, 14mm high (including base) £4.00

RED-20FNC-04 20mm picket fencing 160mm lengths x 10, 19mm high (including base) £5.00

RED-28FNC-04 28mm picket fencing 240mm lengths x 10, 24mm high (including base) £6.00

And of course the pics:





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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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14 Aug 2013, 01:09

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 06 Oct 2023, 01:24

We've had some new Raiden planes arrive over the summer so we've added them all to the website tonight. We've got additionsfor the WWII Italian, Japanese and Soviet ranges, plus some new post-war American and Russian options too.

Raiden Aircraft - ... -930-c.asp


RAI-ITA008 Fiat CR.32 £2.95

RAI-JAP026 Mitsubishi A6M2-N ‘Rufe’ £3.50

RAI-RUS003 Tupolev SB-2 (with turret) £3.50
RAI-RUS006 Ilyushin IL-2m3 Sturmovik £3.50


RAI-USA114 Northrop F-5E Tiger II £2.50
RAI-USA125 Boeing F-18E Hornet £5.95
RAI-USA128 Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor £5.95

RAI-RUS108 Ilyushin IL-28 £5.95
RAI-RUS111 Mikoyen-Gurevich MiG-21PFM £2.50

And some pics:









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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
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14 Aug 2013, 01:09

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 18 Oct 2023, 23:33

We'd planned to have these ready for release last month but they're here now, all 17 variants!  The FV432 is one of the most common AFVs used by the British army since its introduction in the 1960s.  The later Mk 3 variant is still in use today, most notably in Ukraine.

We've got several variants in both Mk 1 and Mk 2 options, including regular APC, mortar carrier, Wombat (recoilless rifle), command, engineer, Ranger (mine layer) and with the Peak turret.  We've also done the FV433 Abbot (105mm SPG), FV438 (Swingfire) and the FV436 (Radar), so more than enough to pack out your British army!

Modern Vehicles -
MDV95    FV432 Mk 1 APC    £3.20
MDV96    FV432 Mk 1, 81mm mortar    £3.20
MDV97    FV432 Mk 1, Wombat    £3.20
MDV98    FV432 Mk 1, Command    £3.20
MDV99    FV432 Mk 1, Engineer    £3.20
MDV100    FV432 Mk 1, Ranger    £3.20
MDV101    FV432 Mk 1, Peak Turret    £3.20
MDV102    FV432 Mk 2-1, APC    £3.20
MDV103    FV432 Mk 2-1, 81mm mortar    £3.20
MDV104    FV432 Mk 2-1, Wombat    £3.20
MDV105    FV432 Mk 2-1, Command    £3.20
MDV106    FV432 Mk 2-1, Engineer    £3.20
MDV107    FV432 Mk 2-1, Ranger    £3.20
MDV108    FV432 Mk 2-1, Peak Turret    £3.20
MDV109    FV433, Abbot    £3.20
MDV110    FV438, Swingfire    £3.20
MDV111    FV436, Radar    £3.20

And some pics:

FV432 Mk 1, APC:

FV432 Mk 1, Wombat:

FV432 Mk 1, Ranger:

FV432 Mk2/1, 81mm mortar:

FV433 Abbot:

We've got a couple more vehicles to come very soon and then we'll be switching attention over to the Sci-Fi stuff!
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
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14 Aug 2013, 01:09

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 06 Dec 2023, 01:51


We've got a couple of new products from Battlescale for you next, with another Clapboard House added to their range along with a second Mediterranean House too.

Battlescale -
10B046    Clapboard House No.2    £6.00
10B047    Mediterranean House No.2    £5.00
(Supplied unpainted)



All of the Battlescale products can be found over on their website here:
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 10 Jan 2024, 02:33

We managed to get through 197 releases in total over 2023, so here's a full summary list:

AWI - ... dependence
AWA28    Cavalry in cap   

AWB33    Revamped 17th Light Dragoons   

AWB52    Highlander Light company   
AWB53    Queen’s Rangers, in cap   
AWB54    Dismounted 16th Light Dragoons   
AWB55    Queen’s Rangers Hussars   

AWX4    Pioneers/working party   
AWX5    Camp followers   

Napoleonic -
1809 Confederation
NCR1    Fusiliers in overall trousers       
NCR2    Grenadiers/Voltigeurs in overall trousers       
NCR3    Fusiliers in breeches and gaiters       
NCR4    Grenadiers/Voltigeurs in breeches and gaiters       

Peninsular Spanish
NSP31    Cazadores in 1802 uniform, march attack       
NSP32    Cazadores in 1805 uniform, march attack       
NSP33    Fusiliers in 1805 irregular uniform, march attack       

PNFL527    1815 Dutch-Belgian       
PNFL528    1815 Brunswick & Nassau       
PNFL529    1815 Hanoverian       

1905 Russo-Japanese War - ... panese-war
RJJ1    Infantry in tunic (early war)       
RJJ2    Command in tunic (early war)     
RJJ3    Infantry in summer kit (mid-late war)       
RJJ4    Command in summer kit (mid-late war)       
RJJ5    Infantry in winter kit (mid-late war)       
RJJ6    Command in winter kit (mid-late war)       
RJJ7    Chunchu infantry       
RJJ8    Throwing grenade (10)       
RJJ9    Hotchkiss MG team (3)       
RJJ10    Madsen LMG teams (5 pairs)       
RJJ11    Cavalry with sword       
RJJ12    Dismounted cavalry (15)       
RJJ13    Chunchu cavalry       
RJJ14    75mm Type 38 field gun with crew (3)       
RJJ15    76.2mm M1902 field gun with crew (3)       
RJJ16    Captured 76mm M1900 field gun with crew (3)       
RJJ17    Assault engineers (5 pairs)       
RJJ18    Trench mortar team (3)       
RJJ19    Field telephone team (5 pairs)       
RJJ20    Senior command (4 figures)       
RJJ21    Casualty (10)       
Japanese Early War Army Pack    = 3 x RJJ1.  1 x RJJ2, 8, 9, 11, 14, 20   
Japanese Summer Army Pack    = 3 x RJJ3.  1 x RJJ4, 8, 9, 11, 16, 20   
Japanese Winter Army Pack    = 3 x RJJ5.  1 x RJJ6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 20   

RJR1    Infantry in tunic (early war)       
RJR2    Command in tunic (early war)       
RJR3    Infantry in summer kit (late war)       
RJR4    Command in summer kit (late war)       
RJR5    Infantry in winter kit (late war)       
RJR6    Command in winter kit (late war)       
RJR7    Frontier Guards       
RJR8    Sailors       
RJR9    Throwing grenade (10)       
RJR10    Maxim MG team (3)       
RJR11    Madsen LMG teams (5 pairs)       
RJR12    Cavalry with lance       
RJR13    Cavalry with sword       
RJR14    Dismounted cavalry (15)       
RJR15    Mounted Cossacks           
RJR16    Dismounted Cossacks (15)       
RJR17    Frontier Guard cavalry       
RJR18    Horse holders (4 + 4 horses)       
RJR19    76mm M1900 field gun, crew in summer kit (3)       
RJR20    76mm M1900 field gun, crew in winter kit (3)       
RJR21    76mm M1900 field gun, Cossack crew (3)       
RJR22    76mm M1900 field gun, Frontier Guard crew (3)       
RJR23    76.2mm M1902 field gun, crew in summer kit (3)       
RJR24    76.2mm M1902 field gun, crew in winter kit (3)       
RJR25    76.2mm M1902 field gun, Cossack crew (3)       
RJR26    76.2mm M1902 field gun, Frontier Guard crew (3)       
RJR27    Trench mortar team (3)       
RJR28    Field telephone team (5 pairs)       
RJR29    Senior command (2 mounted officers, Dragoon escort, Captain)       
RJR30    Priest (1)       
RJR31    Casualty (10)       
Russian Early War Army Pack    = 3 x RJR1.  1 x RJR2, 9, 10, 12, 19, 29   
Russian Late War Army Pack    = 3 x RJR3.  1 x RJR4, 9, 10, 15, 23, 29   
Russian Winter Army Pack    = 3 x RJR5.  1 x RJR6, 9, 10, 15, 24, 29   

RJC1    Chinese peasants       

PNFL801    Japanese       
PNFL802    Russian, type 1       
PNFL803    Russian, type 2       
PNFL804    Russian Cavalry       

German Vehicles
GRV1    Panzer I, Ausf. A   
GRV2    Panzer I, Ausf. A command   
GRV3    Panzer I, Ausf. B           
GRV4    Panzer I, Ausf. B command   
GRV5    Panzer II, Ausf. F   
GRV36    Panzerjager I   
GRV41    Marder II   
GRV79    Wespe   
GRV80    Wespe ammunition carrier   
GRV90    sIG-33, Pz I Ausf.B   
GRV136    Panzer II, Ausf.C   
GRV137    sIG-33 15cm, Pz II   

Soviet Vehicles
SVV42    SU-57 Half-track   

Korean War -
KUS31  Static smoke discharger team (3 men + 6 barrels)     
KUS32  57mm M18 recoilless rifle, summer crew (3)     
KUS33  57mm M18 recoilless rifle, winter crew (3)       
KUS34  75mm M20 recoilless rifle, summer crew (3)       
KUS35  75mm M20 recoilless rifle, winter crew (3)       
KUS36  105mm M40 recoilless rifle, summer crew (3)     
KUS37  105mm M40 recoilless rifle, winter crew (3)       
KUS38  4.5" 24-barrel rocket launcher, summer crew (1)     
KUS39  4.5" 24-barrel rocket launcher, winter crew (1)     
KUS40  57mm Anti-tank gun with summer crew (1)     
KUS41  57mm Anti-tank gun with winter crew (1)       
KUS42  105mm M101 howitzer with summer crew (1)       
KUS43  105mm M101 howitzer with winter crew (1)       
KUS44  155mm M114 howitzer with summer crew (1)       
KUS45  155mm M114 howitzer with winter crew (1)       

KBR43  75mm M20 recoilless rifle, tropical crew (3)       
KBR44  75mm M20 recoilless rifle, winter crew (3)       
KBR45  40mm Bofors AA gun with tropical crew (1)       
KBR46  40mm Bofors AA gun with winter crew (1)       
KBR47  6pdr Anti-tank gun with tropical crew (1)       
KBR48  6pdr Anti-tank gun with winter crew (1)       
KBR49  5.5" field gun with tropical crew (1)       
KBR50  5.5" field gun with winter crew (1)       
KBR51  25pdr field gun with tropical crew (1)       
KBR52  25pdr field gun with winter crew (1)       
KBR53  105mm M101 howitzer with tropical crew (1)       
KBR54  105mm M101 howitzer with winter crew (1)       

KCH25  Bazooka team, summer kit (5)       
KCH26  PTRD41 team, summer kit (5)       
KCH27  12.7mm DShKM with summer crew (3)       
KCH28  Bazooka team, winter kit (5)       
KCH29  PTRD41 team, winter kit (5)       
KCH30  12.7mm DShKM with winter crew (3)       
KCH31  57mm M18 recoilless rifle, summer crew (3)       
KCH32  57mm M18 recoilless rifle, winter crew (3)       
KCH33  37mm M1939 AA gun with summer crew (1)       
KCH34  37mm M1939 AA gun with winter crew (1)       
KCH35  37mm M3A1 Anti-tank gun with summer crew (1)       
KCH36  37mm M3A1 Anti-tank gun with winter crew (1)       
KCH37  45mm 1942 field gun with summer crew (1)       
KCH38  45mm 1942 field gun with winter crew (1)       
KCH39  75mm M116 field gun with summer crew (1)       
KCH40  75mm M116 field gun with winter crew (1)       
KCH41  76.2mm infantry gun with summer crew (1)       
KCH42  76.2mm infantry gun with winter crew (1)       
KCH43  76.2mm ZiS-3 divisional gun with summer crew (1)       
KCH44  76.2mm ZiS-3 divisional gun with winter crew (1)       
KCH45  122mm M-30 howitzer with summer crew (1)       
KCH46  122mm M-30 howitzer with winter crew (1)       
KCH47  152mm D-20 howitzer with summer crew (1)       
KCH48  152mm D-20 howitzer with winter crew (1)       
KCH49  Cavalry (5)       
KCH50  Psy-Ops team with loud speakers (3 men + Table + 4 Speakers)     

South Korean (ROK)
KSK16  M20 3.5 bazooka team (5)     
KSK17  57mm M18 recoilless rifles (3)     
KSK18  40mm Bofors AA gun with crew (1)       
KSK19  57mm Anti-tank gun with crew (1)       
KSK20  75mm M116 field gun crew (1)       
KSK21  105mm M101 howitzer with crew (1)       
KSK22  155mm M114 howitzer with crew (1)       

North Korean (KPA)
KNK18  PTRD41 teams (5)   
KNK19  12.7mm DShKM with crew (3)     
KNK20  45mm 1942 field gun with crew (1)       
KNK21  76.2mm infantry gun with crew (1)       
KNK22  76.2mm ZiS-3 divisional gun with crew (1)       
KNK23  100mm BS-3 field gun with crew (1)       
KNK24  122mm M-30 howitzer with crew (1)       

MDV90  Chieftain Mk 2         
MDV91  Chieftain Mk 5     
MDV92  Chieftain Mk 6     
MDV93  Chieftain Mk 10 (Stillbrew)       
MDV94  Chieftain Mk 11 (Stillbrew & TOGS)       
MDV95    FV432 Mk 1 APC       
MDV96    FV432 Mk 1, 81mm mortar       
MDV97    FV432 Mk 1, Wombat       
MDV98    FV432 Mk 1, Command       
MDV99    FV432 Mk 1, Engineer       
MDV100    FV432 Mk 1, Ranger       
MDV101    FV432 Mk 1, Peak Turret       
MDV102    FV432 Mk 2-1, APC       
MDV103    FV432 Mk 2-1, 81mm mortar       
MDV104    FV432 Mk 2-1, Wombat       
MDV105    FV432 Mk 2-1, Command       
MDV106    FV432 Mk 2-1, Engineer       
MDV107    FV432 Mk 2-1, Ranger       
MDV108    FV432 Mk 2-1, Peak Turret       
MDV109    FV433, Abbot       
MDV110    FV438, Swingfire       
MDV111    FV436, Radar       
MDV112    AAV-7A1       

10mm Scenery
SCN-BDG3      Large stone bridge, single arch (130x51x37mm) Road width 43mm   
SCN-BDG4      Ruined large stone bridge, single arch (each 55x51x37mm)       

SCN-TNT6      Ridge tents (3 erected, 3 collapsed) (20x17x14mm)         
SCN-TNT7      HQ marquee tents (2) (35x25x24mm)         
SCN-TNT8      Zulu grass huts, small (5) (16mm diameter)       

PEN-XMAS  Christmas Diorama Set (13 pieces)       

Red Vectors
RED-6FNC-04  6mm picket fencing   

RED-10FNC-04  10mm picket fencing     

RED-15FNC-04  15mm picket fencing     

RED-20FNC-04  20mm picket fencing     

RED-28FNC-04  28mm picket fencing     
RED-WAG-05 - 19th Century Covered Wagon with horses   

Forgotten War: Korean War supplement

TOTAL: 197 releases
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
Posts: 343
Member since:
14 Aug 2013, 01:09

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