One should never judge upon first appearances anyone
He was created a DALEK, but after injury he was re-born a FRED
Capable of feelings he began to learn from them
Each day was a brand new fun filled adventure
Like for instance now
The fresh snow had fallen silent throughout the night
The wind being only a whisper
Seizing the opportunity Fred would try out his brand new Skis.
A wonderful sliding experience indeed
The crest of the hill seemed so inviting to this little pepper pot fellow
Lets try a jump! He thought to himself
The Take Off
Yippy !!!!
He was airborne gliding in a few short seconds
But not for long
There was almost a silent thud
It certainly was a very soft landing
Soon after a very short struggle
He was homeward bound for Fiddle Wood
While thinking to himself, 'That certainly was such a Buzz!