Work in Progress

Warhammer in 1/72: Ostland figures (Empire army)

Posted by PhilC on 05 Feb 2023, 11:43

Hi, dear fellow forumers!

As expected (if not planned :mrgreen: ), I have been distracted from my current projects, as I woke up one morning with the wish to paint some troops for my 1/72 Warhammer Empire army. Maybe you remember my Talabecland army painted in 2020 ? They had a yellow / red color scheme, which is fine but I wanted a little more variety, so I chose to represent the troops of another province of the Empire, this time Ostland with a black & white color scheme. You will see the first figures below, mainly Redbox figures from their Renaissance range:



And the guy from whom the idea has grown, the standard bearer (Ultima Ratio figure):

I think they fit well with the Talabeclanders:

Some more guys have to be painted, so stay tuned!

As usual, more pictures and explanations on the blog:
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PhilC  Europe

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Posted by Kekso on 05 Feb 2023, 12:14

Wonderful army :shock:
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Posted by blacksmith on 05 Feb 2023, 13:05

They do look really good but the bull standard is outstanding!
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Minuteman on 05 Feb 2023, 19:17

These Redbox renaissance figures look great here as 'Ostland' warriors!

i agree with blacksmith, the (adapted) Uri Bull standard is most impressive. Fine work!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 05 Feb 2023, 21:06

Very well painted figures, Phil. I really like the sharpness and detail of the painting. :love:

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Posted by Rich W on 06 Feb 2023, 00:41

These look great Phil.
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Posted by k.b. on 06 Feb 2023, 00:55

A delightful little group of figures Phil. Methinks Kekso is exaggerating when he calls them an army but it’s a very nice start. I’ve always fancied having a stab at some minis from the Renaissance Period - other than the English Civil War…. maybe these chaps might tempt me to try my hand at some Landsknechts.
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Posted by Bessiere on 06 Feb 2023, 03:51

Great painting Phil. I really love your style and consistency. The banners do look incredible as others have said.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 06 Feb 2023, 05:40

Isn't it handy that The Empire is essentially Renaissance troops ported over to a Fantasy setting? The bull banner is very lovely and the grey highlights are very stark!
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Posted by sansovino on 08 Feb 2023, 12:49

A very nice and colourful army which you have collected and painted ... really a pleasure to study them.
sansovino  Germany
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Posted by MABO on 11 Feb 2023, 22:49

Wunderful brushwork on the RedBox figures. A wonderful army!
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Posted by Peter on 15 Feb 2023, 22:38

Wonderfull painted army! :love:
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Posted by PhilC on 08 Jul 2023, 09:31

Hi, I'm back from a place lost in space and time (meaning: real life with job and so on...), and I realize that I didn't thank you all for these nice comments, so: thank you very much! As you will see in others topics to come, I have been distracted from my distraction, so nothing goes according to the plan, but I kept on painting all winter and spring so I have a few guys to show you, but no Ostland troops :D
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PhilC  Europe

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Posted by blacksmith on 08 Jul 2023, 09:59

PhilC wrote:Hi, I'm back from a place lost in space and time (meaning: real life with job and so on...), and I realize that I didn't thank you all for these nice comments, so: thank you very much! As you will see in others topics to come, I have been distracted from my distraction, so nothing goes according to the plan, but I kept on painting all winter and spring so I have a few guys to show you, but no Ostland troops :D

Welcome back Phil. I love your Warhammer themed armies and I am looking forward to see some more eye candy :-D
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blacksmith  Spain
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