Work in Progress

The Battle of Aspern Essling 21/22nd May 1809

Posted by Bill Slavin on 30 Jul 2024, 13:51

Looking great, Chris. Onwards!
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 30 Jul 2024, 20:39

This is really another thread to lick your fingers and thumbs (I don't know if that is also a saying in English :-||).
I admire your dedication to the research you do for this project and by telling us about it you also give us loads of background information. The fact that we not only systematically get to see the different units that you paint but also give us insight into the scratch-building of the buildings makes this thread so interesting.
Fantastic also of Harry (Challenger77) that he gives you all that feedback about the site, or of Thomas Mischak to provide you with some rare figures. That shows once again the friendship that we all experience here on this unique forum.
Thanks for sharing and I am already looking forward to your next contribution.
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Posted by Peter on 02 Aug 2024, 19:14

These figures remind me on the figures (143!) I've painted for the Crobern project. ... %C3%B6bern

They look great Chris! Keep them coming! :thumbup:
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Posted by C M Dodson on 04 Aug 2024, 11:20

Thank you Peter.

Your Croeburn cuirassiers were part of the reason I started down the re fight path.

The diorama was inspirational both in the pictures and also in the flesh when I went to the Dioramica.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Ochoin on 05 Aug 2024, 10:07

Once or twice, I've had sneers about my using this scale.
I respond by sending links to the sort of work you do, Chris. No-one could fail to admire such a spectacle.

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Posted by Captain Sibourne on 05 Aug 2024, 11:45

Those Austrians look magnificent.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 11 Aug 2024, 21:52

Who is in charge around here?

I have been painting up a selection of Austrian Generals and orderly’s for the re fight.

This is a selection as I have more staff on order from Franznap to complete the Corps commanders and adjutants.


My Archduke Charles is from Hagen Miniatures (the genius known as Frank Ziegler) and I have decided to paint him in his red trousers.

The two famous paintings by Johan Peter Kraft show him with white trousers and also miraculously swapping them to red in order to lead the assault on Aspern.

Very strange.

Lots to do.

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by k.b. on 11 Aug 2024, 23:50

WoW what a beautiful selection of Austrian top brass Chris. Can't wait to see Francesco's new additions which am sure will add some splendid variety. However, I can't help thinking that a dark grey wash or two on the white uniform and a black wash on the red pants would literally add another layer of depth to your figures - just dilute your paint and let the dark washes run into the folds and creases and bob's your uncle your figures will look even more impressive. Try it first on a lowly trooper before you go to your command figures.
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Posted by Bessiere on 12 Aug 2024, 02:52

Ah fabulous Mr D! Nice assembly of Austrian brass. Probably the best army of all the Austrian forces during the coalition wars. Just giving Napoleon a bloody nose is enough to put Charles in my book of brilliant commanders. He was not overly optimistic about this war and knew the odds were not heavily in his favor but the war fever was strong to restore the Reich. I think I still have some spare time should you need to fill some ranks. A wash I like is Valejo grey, it doesn't overdo it and works really nicely on white.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by C M Dodson on 12 Aug 2024, 13:06

Thank you chaps for your kind comments and suggestion regarding washes.

I washed the hands, gold, horses and faces to bring out the detail a bit more on the generals displayed. Perhaps the lighting is bleaching them a little?

I have since put a bit more ink on them but I do not want them too filthy as the Generals uniforms would be of a better quality cloth and more likely to be cleaner with ‘ batmen’ etc to do their cleaning.

The good Archduke would no doubt be setting a good example as per the paintings.

Well, in theory!

Thank you again .

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 13 Aug 2024, 12:58

Those Austrian Generals look great, Chris. Well done! :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Rich W on 13 Aug 2024, 22:35

Keep on keeping on Chris! Lovely additions!
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Posted by Susofrick on 14 Aug 2024, 08:23

Totally fabolous!

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Posted by Peter on 24 Aug 2024, 22:23

Wonderful painted staff! :thumbup:

Chris about the wash on white I would like to let you know my technique. I use the Vallejo grey was after I added the base color. Then I do a drybrush with white. On black I do a light grey drybrush as you can't work with washes on black.
Now for the Cröbern the riders weren't painted white but with a light beige color. I used GW bleached bone for them. That was been asked by Wolfgang.
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Posted by Challenger77 on 25 Aug 2024, 17:33

Hi Chris
Thx from "your Man in Essling " :-D
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Challenger77  Austria
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Posted by C M Dodson on 29 Aug 2024, 08:07

Hungarian Infantry regiment number 31.

I have completed my first Hungarian regiment and am quite pleased with the result.

The original unit of 1130 men was split into three battalions but I have chosen to represent the unit as one entity, in order to fit in with the larger German units of approximately 3000 men which are split into three battalion units.

Here they are, led by Oberst Hirsch.

Mr. Kane’s figures look lovely and whilst the shakos on the Hat Grenzers is not quite right, at a distance they look the part.

Hannants have now listed the long awaited Hat Hungarian marching and action figures which will hopefully be available to fill the ranks shortly.



Lots to do.

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 30 Aug 2024, 05:37

I've been waiting 5 years or more for HaT to produce those Hungarians. Not wild about the poses but there is a lot of nice detail on the knots. Yours look wonderful. Reading on the young guard I keep running across references to their fighting at Aspern. Some desperately inspirational acts of bravery by both sides there. Aspern is a great choice to recreate and looks fun as a project. We certainly enjoy following your journey of organizing and creating the armies and battlefields that you do. Thank you for documenting so much detail - its those things that I get to learn from.
Bessiere  United States of America
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