Work in Progress

Esci 1/72 Panzerjäger I

Posted by huib on 12 Jul 2024, 15:12

I am continuing on the the same Esci Panzer I theme of my recent builds. This time the Panzerjäger I kit.

Panzerjäger I
The Panzerjäger I was the first tankhunter of the German army in World War II. The Panzer I tank was never ment to be a wartime combat vehicle, but a training and development device. By lack of sufficient better tanks, the Panzer I nevertheless went to war in 1939. By equipping the obsolete Panzer I hull wich a powerful Czech anti-tank gun of 47mm however, a potent anti-tank vehicle was created. It was not well armoured, but it's modern antitank gun could defeat all existing tanks of that era at normal combat range.

Panzerjäger I, first production run.

202 Panzer I tanks were converted to Panzerjäger I. The turret was removed and the 47mm gun installed behind a steel shield. These modern powerful guns were fallen in German hands after the annexation of Czechia in 1939. The gunshield initially was constructed from five sheets of steel. But the protection this offered against small calibre bullets and shrapnell was limited to the front an sides of the crew compartment. To offer the crew better protection a seven sheet shield was built on the vehicles of the second production run. The crew consisted of three: commander/gunner, driver and loader.

Panzerjäger I, second production run North-Africa.

De Panzerjäger I was first deployed in the French campaign of 1940. 27 Panzerjäger were shipped to Lybia in the spring of 1941 to support Rommels Africa Corps. The Panzerjäger I was intensively used during the early stages of the Russian campaign in 1941. But during 1942 most of them were worn out or destroyed. As better tanks and tankhunnters became available to the Germans in the meantime, no more Panzerjäger I's were built.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 12 Jul 2024, 15:25

Esci 1/72 Panzerjäger I

The Esci Panzerjäger I kit was first issued in 1976, together with two other kits of vehicles based on the chassis of the Panzer I tank.

Nice old-fashioned box-art of a second production run Panzerjäger I in the Lybian desert. This box is from the second issue from 1978.

The contents are for a large part identical to the other Esci Panzer I kits: A big sprue containg the wheels and hull parts.

A small sprue containing the specific Panzerjäger I parts: the gun and gun shield.
And of course the classic plastic band tracks.

A lightly yellowed decal sheet for four different vehicles, and a true N**i swastika flag for arial recognition. This would not be included in a modern kit anymore.

I made a start already, and will build a panzergray coloured vehicle from operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Sovjet Union in june 1941.
Let's build!
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 12 Jul 2024, 15:30

The first parts are constructed already. Quite easy when you build the same parts for a third time in several weeks.

Cleaning up the wheels is somewhat labor-intensive, but apart from that it is quikcly fixed. I strengthened the idler wheels by adding an axle from 0,7 mm iron wire, to resist the tension of the tracks.

Tracks installed.
So far for the standard job, as the rest of the vehicle needs a bit of grinding and sawing.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Peter on 12 Jul 2024, 18:03

Looking forward to the progress on this model again! ;-)

You must have a very nice collection of these old Esci sets, which I like very much long time ago! :-D
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Posted by Rich W on 12 Jul 2024, 23:41

I’m really enjoying the box art for the kit. I’m sure you’ll turn this into another masterclass of tank building!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 14 Jul 2024, 06:05

Shaping out to be a great project, well researched, good start!
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Posted by huib on 10 Aug 2024, 16:53

Thank you guys!. Yes Peter, I have a lot of old Esci kits and reissues by Revell and Italeri in my stash. So I can continue for the next few years.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 10 Aug 2024, 17:04

Upper hull
And now the fun is really starting!

The upper hull parts. Like with all Esci Panzer I variants, the air intake is incorrectly shaped, but with this Panzerjàger in a totally different way. Some demolition work is needed first!

I opened up the crew compartment.

And cut of the back of the hull superstructure.

A new air intake was built, level to the rear deck.
And I realised I removed too much plastic with the upper hull part so the tracks became visible in the interior. So I corrected that bij adding pieces of plastic sheet.
Small pieces of plastic were also added to the back of the superstructure to improve the fit

Good fit! The drivers vision hatches were opened too by drill and file.

The main parts of the gun shield are filed thinner. And an extra sheet of plastic was added to the top of the shield, as it is missing in the kit.

Now on with further detailing.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by ignatius on 19 Aug 2024, 10:42

Hello Huib, I am impressed by the details you put in your 1/72 kits. I have this same kit, but still unbuilt. For sure I intend to follow this built. Thanks and well done
ignatius  Malta
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19 Aug 2024, 10:30

Posted by JurgenH on 20 Aug 2024, 20:24

Very interesting build of the small Pz Jg. I am sure you will enjoy refining this old treasure. I have taken an Abonement of this Site.
JurgenH  Germany
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Posted by C M Dodson on 21 Aug 2024, 08:01

An excellent start to this project.

It is amazing how the Panzer Jäger vehicles evolved in the space of six years to the juggernauts at the end.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 22 Aug 2024, 19:40

As always, your extremely detailed work in transforming the original vehicle leaves me speechless, huib. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 24 Aug 2024, 22:37

huib wrote:Thank you guys!. Yes Peter, I have a lot of old Esci kits and reissues by Revell and Italeri in my stash. So I can continue for the next few years.

That's good news! :thumbup:

Nice progress on this beauty! :thumbup:

Wasn't it tricky to open that crew compartment?
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Peter  Belgium

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