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Italeri 1/72 Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen I B

Posted by huib on 05 Jun 2024, 16:03

This new demo build is a follow up of my earlier Esci Panzer I B build. A variant of the same vehicle and a variant of the same kit: the Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen (Small command tank)

Panzerbefehlswagen I B in Poland, 1939

The Panzer I tank was so small that it wasn't suited as a command vehicle for tank units. That is why a variant was developed with the turret replaced by an armoured box- like structure providing room for a map table, an extra radio set and a third crew member to serve the radio sets. This enabled the commander of a tank company, batallion or regiment to lead from the front and keep up with the tanks. It was the first specificly designed command tank ever.

Panzerbefehlswagen I B

The Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen was built in 184 examples between 1935 and 1937 by Daimler Benz on the hull of both the Panzer I A as well as the Panzer I B. Untill 1940 this was the standard command tank of all German panzer divisions. The vehicle was used until 1942 on all fronts: Poland, Western Europe, North Africa, the Balkans and the Soviet Union.

A small number of Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen was used as a radio transmitter vehicle or as an armoured ambulance, to transport medics on the battlefield, and evacuate wounded from the battle zone. The vehicles wore the red cross sign and because of this the machine gun was removed and the hole covered by a riveted steel plate.

It is such a Sanitätspanzer (armoured ambulance) that I will build from this kit. The decals are included.
Let's have a look at the kit!
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 05 Jun 2024, 16:10

Italeri 1/72 Sd.Kfz. 265 Panzerbefehlswagen
This kit is a re-issue from 2017, from a much older Esci kit from 1976

Nice box with new box-art.

The kit is providing decals for four different schemes, including a red cross version.

The decals sheet is good looking. Knowing Italeri, quality will be good too.

The large sprue is identical to the Esci Panzer I kit. It contains the hull and the wheels.

The second much smaller sprue is specific for the Panzerbefehlswagen: it contains the box-like superstructure.

And the third sprue contains the link & length tracks. Much better than the rubber band tracks in my opinion. These were part of the later Esci kits already, so not new from Italeri.

That's all! Let's start!
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 05 Jun 2024, 16:14

Lower hull
As usual the build of a tank starts with the lower hull.

With only four parts construction goes fast.

Contrary to my other tank builds I now continue with the running gear. All wheels cut loose and cleaned up.

Road wheel suspension constructed.

All wheels glued in position.

The seperate track parts.

And the track parts glued in place.

I tried to create some track sag by bending the track lengths a bit.
Now on with the upper hull.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 06 Jun 2024, 12:27

As always, a promising start, huib. I will certainly follow this thread with great interest. :thumbup:

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Posted by Peter on 07 Jun 2024, 18:29

As always I will follow this topic! :thumbup:
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Posted by huib on 09 Jun 2024, 16:27

Thank you, Santi and Peter!

Upper hull
Now on with the top part of the vehicle.

This kit suffers from the same issue as the earlier Panzer IB kit (as basically these are the same parts).
The air inlet above the motor deck has strange corners.

So I sanded these flat. Luckily the plastic has sufficient "flesh on the bones" for this reshape. Also the sides of the motordepartment had to be adjusted.

The air inlet got a grill from styrene strip. And the interior is painted black to prevent light reflection in the finished model.

The armoured crew compartment is glued on the hull. Some filler was needed to smooth out different seams.

And the upper hull is glued to the lower hull. A bit of filler to hide the front seam.
Now it's time for the small parts and the homemade additions.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Peter on 10 Jun 2024, 22:18

I like it how you want it all be historical correct! Looking good so far! :thumbup:
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Posted by huib on 11 Jun 2024, 21:03

Thanks Peter!

I found three pictures of the Kleiner Panzerbehlswagen in the Red Cross version:




I used them as a source of inspiration for elaborating this model. Especially the last picture contains a lot of interesting information.

During the earlier Panzer 1B build I was pointed to the fact that the engine deck hatches were of the tropical type, with exta ventilation facilities. For this European version they have to be just flat.

So I added a lot of detail, including sparetracks, a box and jerrycan on the glacis.

And boxes and stretcher racks on the back. I glued a piece of purple gauze on the exhaust damper to simulate a grill.

The small hatch on the exhaust deck was simply sanded flat. But for the big hatch it was easier to make a new one.

On to a bit of paint, I think.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by JurgenH on 12 Jun 2024, 15:44

Hi, Huib
Super Idee for abuild. I like your excellent scratch work.
JurgenH  Germany
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Posted by huib on 13 Jun 2024, 20:17

Thanks, Jürgen!

Spray and brushwork
The airbrush was taken from the shelf again.

Black primer.

Preshade using light grey.

The basecolour is Panzer Grau, for which I used Vallejo antracit.

Details painted with a brush.

Next step will be the decals.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Peter on 16 Jun 2024, 21:20

Looks good so far. :thumbup:

Was the inside of that tank so bright?
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by huib on 17 Jun 2024, 21:09

Yes, Peter, the inside of the tank was so bright to support visibility inside the vehicle with closed hatches. The official German name for the interior colour was Elfenbein (Ivory)
Nevertheless the inside of the opened hatches should be panzer gray for camouflage purposes. I took some artistic freedom to paint them in ivory to add some more visual interest to the vehicle.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 17 Jun 2024, 21:17


A gloss cote is applied, and apart from the Italeri decal sheet I selected an extra red cross and a german cross from the sparebox.

Superior decal quality from Italeri. Applying the decals was not easy as several decals had to be cut to pieces before being applied to the opened side doors.

Moreover a few decals had to be placed over the vision slits. Using Daco strong as a solvent the decals almost perfectly folded around the hatches.

Next step is weathering.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 19 Jun 2024, 17:44

Great progress, huib. Go on with it! :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by huib on 21 Jun 2024, 20:24

Thank you, Santi!

On with some light weathering.

I wanted the vehicle to look like taking part in nice weather warfare. Say May and June 1940.

A bit of dust, a bit of rust. That´s all.

I applied a wood structure on the wooden box using brown oilpaint, and added two handpainted red crosses.

A pointwash of dark brown diluted oilpaint and some drybrushing using light browns and grays.
Finished with a matt varnish.

Now a few additional accesoires and then it´s finished, I think.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by Peter on 22 Jun 2024, 21:28

huib wrote:Yes, Peter, the inside of the tank was so bright to support visibility inside the vehicle with closed hatches. The official German name for the interior colour was Elfenbein (Ivory)
Nevertheless the inside of the opened hatches should be panzer gray for camouflage purposes. I took some artistic freedom to paint them in ivory to add some more visual interest to the vehicle.

I thought so but it looks good! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Kekso on 27 Jun 2024, 15:07

There are so many details :shock:
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Posted by huib on 28 Jun 2024, 20:08

Thank you, Peter and Kekso!

The last details
A few additions to finish the model.

A stretcher and a folded stretcher, built from 0.75mm evergreen rod and tissue paper.

A wounded soldier with a torn off legg, sculpted from green stuff.

Italeri's tank commander, combined with an adapted German driver from the sparebox, the wounded man under a blanket, the folded stretcher and a homemade towing cable.

How to call this? Its a mat of natural branches roped together to unstuck vehicles from the mud. Often seen on early war German vehicles. It is in the proces of being made from sewing thread and broom hairs.

Al parts painted and ready for assembly. A red cross flag is added to the collection of additional parts.
Only the wounded mans head became much too big!!!

Anyway, finished! Final pictures soon.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by huib on 30 Jun 2024, 19:26

A new head
In the end I was not happy with the wounded mans giant head.

After a long search I found a figure in my sparebox not wearing any headdress and replaced the head. Much better indeed.

On to the final pictures.
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huib  Netherlands
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Posted by JurgenH on 30 Jun 2024, 20:14

Everything you do looks really good. I love your buildings. They are always very innovative and very well presented. The craftsmanship is top notch too. Thank you for sharing.
JurgenH  Germany
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