
Looking for ready made barricades

Posted by Rich W on 16 Jan 2023, 01:06

I'm looking to get some barricades for some of my WSS bases-e.g. upturned carts, barrels, furniture all stacked together as a barricade/obstacle for outside a village (e.g. Blenheim). Ideally these would be ready made, possible even coming as one large piece/model. I know I could buy sets of wagons and there are sets that have barrels in them, but this seems an expensive and fiddly way of doing it (I haven't the skill, patience or spare time). Does anyone know any websites/manufacturers that sell these sorts of things?

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!
Rich W  United Kingdom
Posts: 1331
Member since:
05 Feb 2018, 23:40

Posted by Londoncopper on 16 Jan 2023, 10:08

What scale? Mainly Military had a ready made barricade piece, now sold through Caliver Books website.
Paul's Modelling Workshop has some useful log piles in 28mm and 1/72 that would make nice barricades.
Londoncopper  United Kingdom
Posts: 68
Member since:
01 Nov 2014, 14:04

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