FIGZ 2023 is history. It was really great and here you can see some pics from the show.

Like every year Arnhem was the heart of the figures world on the first Sunday in June!

Like every year Remco did a great job and calling the collectors from near and far, even from Bonn.

550 more or less Romans were attracting the visitors on the FIGZ tables.

Maybe some new members comitted themself to the forum.
And we had a special presentation. Jaques from Rio de Janeiro has send some of his figures to me, just before covid. So it took me some time to present them, but finally they got a cool place near the entrance.

All the visitors got a lot to see.

For example the traders:
Like every year Martin - the second member in the forum - was there with his shop

Not even Old Wolfs could resist...

Jan Frankema

CCG Winkel
And once more Hagen Miniatures:

And of course the delicious and healthy Dutch food.

Fortunately most of the visitors are over 18 years old.

The Bring and Show section was worth a visit like every year
Konrad at the table from Gert Postma

Konrads own table, full of cool Romans

Sascha and Andreas (Zed1 and Old Wolf)

Dirk, JürgenH (who really made it with public transport!!) and Sascha

Saschas wargaming armys

Guess how is it?

Yes! Michael (Mickey Mouse - sorry not in the picture)
Work from
to be honest, I did not remember completely who made what. But is was all great to see.

Sander talking to interested visitors

Peter our old friend and Mod in the forum

In the other hall there were several cool gaming tables:

Mr.Andrea and me played DBA Egytians vs. Sea People and Hittites
Andrea before the first rounds:

Andrea after the first rounds

In the end he needed some tactical hints from Remco

It was nice to talk to people interested in the cool and easy to learn tabletop game.

On the stage, Dirk gives a workshop on how to build a simple brick wall with a gate.

In the end Martin celebrated his annual Competition. Thanks for that!

Peter was not sure, if he should take part...
but he did in the end.

And he was the great winner with one first and one second price. Applause!!

And there was also this great entry, winning the other gold medall! Sorry, I did not know your name, but you are a real artist!

The other silver medal was for this single figure.

After the ceremony, Peter offers vlaai like every year. Thanks again, it was delicious

What else?
Benno will produce the ultimate FIGZ movie!

And the cool photos will be presented by other people. Stay tuned!

It was great again and we are looking forward to next year. Thanks to all who made it possible.
Mr.Andrea mentioned a FIGZ every three months