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Modeling Fair Lingen 2024

Posted by MABO on 17 Jan 2024, 23:55

How quickly a year goes by and it's "Lingen time" again!

The FIGZ Promo Team was on site again - I was allowed to come along again, even though I still don't speak Dutch. But Benno was on a business trip and unfortunately couldn't make it this time.

The set-up is now routine.




Hans should bring his Cambrai diorama again, which is always an eye-catcher. Even though it has been "under construction" for some time now. :mrgreen: ;-)



In the end, our stand was again very large and we were able to show a lot.

Unfortunately, we were sitting quite far apart and couldn't chat as much during the day. It was as if the teacher had separated us.





Of course, Remco's - now I almost wrote Smurfs - Romans were often admired.


Even the organizing staff took photos in front of the first visitors. By the way, there are now almost 600 of them.



Many visitors with a more technical interest were once again very curious about Martin's input on 3D printing. He had to answer many questions and both printers were running all day.



Martin had printed a Humber Mk.II for me, which I then painted during the two days, including a ​crew member getting an overview in Normandy in the morning.




I had brought some of my tabletop armies with me, especially many Napoleonic figures, e.g. my 1st Prussian Corps from 1815.


Then the visitors came and streamed into the halls. The questions we were asked were often the same as last year, but we were there to answer them again.

"Are the figures from the 3D printer? "How long does it take you to paint a figure - approximately?" "You need a steady hand, don't you?" "Wow, so many details!" "Well, I couldn't do it, I don't have the patience!"






The opportunity to paint figures was again very popular with some of the younger visitors. But there was also a woman (not in the photos) who painted a figure with great calm and patience. Maybe she will appear in the forum one day...



It was another great two days for us. I hope it works out again next year, because it's already a fixed item on the annual program.


By the way, I dusted off a few more figures and even painted some.



And in the evening we enjoyed the local specialties: Schnitzel, Schnitzel, Schnitzel and Schnitzel. But they were very tasty!

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Posted by Peter on 18 Jan 2024, 15:33

Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:

Schnitzel mit pommes! :love:
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Posted by Dad's Army on 18 Jan 2024, 19:28

It was again a nice weekend, and even we where sitting far from each other we all look back to a busy weekend and I have seen a lot of smiling faces for sure. We will try to be in the march event EME also together.
Hope to get my 600th Romain solder ready by then. Started wit 571, and went home with 577 painted.
I wish there would be more shows to be like this together, I am in for sure.

Thanks Jan for the cool report, well done!
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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Susofrick on 19 Jan 2024, 10:34

Looks like a very nice trip!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Kekso on 21 Jan 2024, 10:03

Fantastic report Jan. Thanks :thumbup:
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Posted by Michael Robert on 22 Jan 2024, 21:05

Hello Jan,
really nice report. Good to see you fellows spreading the word of our wonderful hobby. And good to see you happily united eating Schnitzel. Now I'm jealous.
Many many greetings to you all
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Michael Robert  France

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