So my first thought was to put them together with some other spares and make a Dragon Rampant Men of the North army. This is basically a generic human army with a viking bent.
And of course this got out of hand really really quickly.
I have to wait until Christmas and New Year have gone, and then there is Mrs P's birthday - early in January - to get out of the way before I can start work but ther was nothing to stop me thinking - am I right?
So now I have this fellow on order - a Reaper Bones Frost Giant Bodyguard - he'll be a Greater Warbeast.

Not sure how he's going ton be painted yet either icy tones or more normal colours - but I kind of want to go RED for that beard.
Then these popped and I thought 'okay, beligerent foot!". I think they're going to need some work with green stuff to floof them up a bit.

Lastly for a bit more clout - panserbjorn! I got these off Etsy, and they will count as Elite riders.

There will be more to come but I thought I'd just post this up here.