I must say that this dipping is not like Minwax nor even as Army Painter as it stains a bit too much and it is not as dark. I'd say is more a wash than a dipping. Actually, there are already people using it as a substitute for GW's Devlan Mud because it gets similar results, it contains the equivalent of 8-9 bottles of Devlan and it is much cheaper. 8 euros for 200 ml.
This is also the first time I paint some Perry's miniatures. The figures are well proportioned and look very natural although I'd love to see a little more definition on them, but the box is a bargain with 42 figures in it.
I think this will interest you more than previous pics as I did a comparative picture with some 1/72 Italeri figures, painted with Betumen of Judea and lights, and you can see the difference in how detailed are the small ones compared to the Perrys.
I still prefer 1/72 over 28mm, but where I live nobody wants to play in that scale so I'm also painting 28mm to play in clubs.