Miniatures Talk

Mounted crossbowmen

Posted by Ochoin on 16 Nov 2023, 13:23

I do have a taste for the more exotic troop types, so I would love to add a unit of mounted crossbowmen (circa 1200s) to my medieval retinue.

In 1/72-20mm, is there *any* source for such figures? My small force is exclusively Tumbling Dice so, to be picky, they'd have to match to a degree. This means the Mars set does not qualify as they look fairly awful.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Minuteman on 16 Nov 2023, 14:40

I'd say that you are right to avoid the Mars set - I am assuming here you mean the Teutonic mounted crossbowmen? Huge figures and weird horses. A shame, because as so often Mars have had the right ideas, and have simply not been able to produce good enough figures.

I fear that there are no suitable 1/72 plastic sets for mid-medieval period mounted crossbowmen. So, unless you have a few spare plastic figures, maybe from the very useful Strelets set of foot crossbowmen, or a couple of spares from the Zvezda Livonian knights, then the Tumbling Dice range offers you the best solution.

Personally, I'd buy a set of their Assorted 1250 medieval weapons (which I am sure would include a few crossbows) and, with a bit of chopping and changing, put these into the hands of a set of light cavalry eg: the Norman Scouts set from the 'Dark Ages' range perhaps? Or, if you don't want to remove weapons from the hands of perfectly good figures, simply have a slung crossbow on their back or saddle?

Just one other thought: I am pretty sure that most mounted crossbowmen actually discharged their weapons with two feet on the ground, where possible. Effectively then a medieval 'dragoon' !..... So, crossbowmen figures on foot, with a docile standing horse next to them on the same base, would to my mind look about 'right'.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Ochoin on 16 Nov 2023, 20:27

Some shrewd comments & interesting ideas there, MM.
You prompted me to look at my 'Bit's Box' & there are a few TD crossbows there. A small order to Paul could supply the few more needed.

I'll check out any sets that might suit & you can still get - there might be some Red Box ones?

Minuteman wrote:Just one other thought: I am pretty sure that most mounted crossbowmen actually discharged their weapons with two feet on the ground, where possible. Effectively then a medieval 'dragoon' !..

This sounds sensible...yet mounted crossbowmen's weapons didn't have the foot stirrup for loading so were they fired from the saddle at least sometimes? Mind you, it could not have been a very powerful weapon in that case.

Mounted crossbowmen don't actually seem a practical or even real? troop type? Medieval is, sometimes, dangerously close to fantasy.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Konrad on 16 Nov 2023, 20:31

Maybe you can use these
Set 8036
French Knights

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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Ochoin on 16 Nov 2023, 21:22

This set has a few crossbowmen & others could be converted - especially, the lunatic with the flail.

Even better, I can order it from Taiwan as it's in stock.

Thanks all for the help.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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