Thank you so much for taking some of your time to post comments.
you made a good suggestion here. Many thanks! (By the way, what a beautiful collection you have! I will never get close to it...)
The only thing that makes me think twice is the lack of variety of positions. As you know, I'm not much of a purist when it comes to mixing different brands in my bases (some of them quite incompatible, I admit. Not because of the body proportions, I can live with that; but mostly because of the size of the gear: regardless of how big or small a human being is, the rifle or helmet must be exactly the same shape and size).
I like to mix first because I prioritize not repeating positions as much as possible. Secondly, because by comparing brands in this way, I feel like I'm doing some kind of service to my fellow hobbyists. And if, by any chance, the manufacturers occasionally take a look at these pages, perhaps seeing their figures compared in such a crude way prompts them to improve.
Who knows!
At first I was also very strict using and collecting only plastic figures and nothing else.
But I have to say, despite being rougher and less detailed than the plastic ones, metal figures have their charm. There are manufacturers like Franznap or Underfire that make authentic gems. My Compagnies Franches de Marine are metal and couldn't be any better. Too bad this guy stoped producing because I would have definitely bought anything he make.
And when some of my older figures begun to break every time I touched them (my Punic Wars bases can loose their Hat's figures plumes and pilums almost just blowing at them...), I started to think that I wish I had made metal from the beginning...
All the best