
Imperial Roman Legion casualties

Posted by Phersu on 21 Aug 2013, 15:47

I finshed to paint the figures, and made the minidiorama of Roman Legion casualties...







Perhaps in future I will add some other scenic stuff to this minidiorama, but at the moment this is enough as presentation for the set...
I could add some arrows and broken spears...
and perhaps also some crows flying over and pecking the bodies, which could be something unusual and a bit creepy, but also realistic and probably useful in many sceneries... :winky:
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Posted by Ben90 on 21 Aug 2013, 17:13

:love: They look great! But what I really love is the detail on the back shields...
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Posted by loken32 on 21 Aug 2013, 17:15

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Posted by KenzoSato on 21 Aug 2013, 19:41

Great job Leo
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Posted by Arbogastiz on 21 Aug 2013, 20:24

Sweet scenery :) There's only lack of triumphing Barbarians :D
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Posted by sberry on 22 Aug 2013, 08:37

Hi Phersu,
great figures – as always with your production!
Ben90 wrote:But what I really love is the detail on the back shields...

Yes, and there are also details on the inside of the tent in the other set – as far as I know, nobody else has ever produced tents with this degree of realism.
I think the main use of these casualties would be for scenes during battle or immediately after: The winning side would have collected all metal items in the aftermath of the battle. So there might be room for a second set, showing casualties already without arms and armor ... and the crows already doing their work.
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Posted by Uwe on 22 Aug 2013, 15:18

Dear Leo,

I hope you put them into a mould before painting the masters as I would need a lot of them - and much more of their enemies (Celts) to bring some life in my diorama here ;-)
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Uwe  Germany

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Posted by Ben90 on 22 Aug 2013, 18:55

Uwe wrote:to bring some life in my diorama here ;-)

..."life" :mrgreen:
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Posted by Phersu on 22 Aug 2013, 21:57

sorry, I had to cancel this post as my browser or the keyboard went mad for a while...
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Phersu  Italy

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Posted by Phersu on 22 Aug 2013, 22:04

Thank you my friends! ;-)

I think the main use of these casualties would be for scenes during battle or immediately after: The winning side would have collected all metal items in the aftermath of the battle. So there might be room for a second set, showing casualties already without arms and armor ... and the crows already doing their work.

Casualties of battle is their main purpose indeed, in fact in my immediate future plans there are also two other similar sets to complete these kind of sceneries:
one of legionaries wounded in combat, and one of wounded legionaries with rescuers and medic. ;-)

Concerning similar sets of possible opponent enemies, yes, it's a good idea which I thought about. :thumbup:
But it takes time, work, and resources to spend for the production... resources which I must be reasonably sure to get back in reasonable time, to cover the cost of next releases, as usual, due my limited finance. :neutral:
Furthermore there are plenty of possibilities... as many as the many Roman opponents, and I really don't know from which one to start! :think:
So I must choose carefully, possibly to reduce to one or two generic kind of enemies, to be adapted in various sceneries...
one probably worth could be generic barbarians, which with few painting differences and the proper weapons accessories could represent both Gauls, Germans and Britons.
Another one very versatile I suppose could be generic Hellenic warriors, which could represent another large variety of Roman enemies, and somehow ancient Romans themselves too...
What do you think about?

Then in future perhaps I will also do some kind of generic tunic dressed and naked casualties, which could represent dead civilians and any kind of soldiers stripped off from their weapons and armors...
My god The list of projects and my schedule seem infinite!

I hope you put them into a mould before painting the masters as I would need a lot of them - and much more of their enemies (Celts) to bring some life in my diorama here

Of course my friend, I always do that... :winky:
These figures in fact are just the first home made test castings, the masters are now at the factory for the production... which will take 3 or 4 months before to be ready and available... So just it's just a matter to be patient for a while! ;-)
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Phersu  Italy

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Posted by Uwe on 27 Aug 2013, 11:26

Phersu wrote:So just it's just a matter to be patient for a while!

Hi Leo,

patience ? What is this? :mrgreen: 3 to 4 month, you should search yourselve a caster who is faster...
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Uwe  Germany

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Posted by Dave2024 on 16 Jan 2025, 20:19

Sorry, I know this post is over 10 years old but these figures are unbelievable!!! Does anyone know where I could purchase them or have them made. Thanks!
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Posted by MABO on 16 Jan 2025, 21:40

Maybe you can ask Massimo Costa. Black Watch Miniatures. Phersu has passed away some time ago. :(
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