General Wargaming


Posted by Ochoin on 22 Sep 2023, 08:39

Two games in 3 days (see my 'Bronze' report here for a Chariot Wars game) & 2 new rule sets.
This WW2 game will be using, for the first time, the 'Rapid Fire Reloaded' rules & specifically their Normandy scenario at Mouen.

I've set up the table as close as possible to the map. I don't have enough hedges though - who would have that much?

NB the vehicles & figures on the table are just for the effect & it will be the Black Watch assaulting the German defenders.





A report of tomorrow's game + photos will follow.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Michael Robert on 22 Sep 2023, 12:34

Hello Donald,
nice gaming field, but "no hedges - no Normandie" I agree. It is my impression that without the hedges and the checkered lanscape with small valleys and shrubs the Germans couldn't hold as long as they did.
Let's see what you will come up with :)
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Posted by C M Dodson on 22 Sep 2023, 13:28

Excellent again.

Normandy is generally considered to be Bocage country and indeed on the American sector it initially was.

The Epsom offensive started off in similar countryside but large areas were open fields ala Goodwood, Carpiquiet airfield etc.

Keep up the good work and happy gaming.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 22 Sep 2023, 19:07

A great-looking table, and this time with C20th heavy armour!
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Posted by Ochoin on 23 Sep 2023, 07:10

Normandy, 1944. The Germans were tasked with defending a French village. Their numbers were relatively few & some of their equipment was dated.
The game saw the Germans comprehensively beaten but only after putting up a good fight.




They did have Panther tanks though & the task of the British - to seize the village - looked daunting.



The redoubtable RA provided artillery support:

Air support was promised but clouds meant they never actually attacked the Germans.
Still the airforce looked good:


It was rather a surprise when ther British entered the village - not least for this German mortar crew:


'Rapid Fire Reloaded' is a straight forward, quick & enjoyable rule set. I believe we have a new set of WW2 rules.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Minuteman on 23 Sep 2023, 11:11

A fine-looking game and battle report. Thanks donald!
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Posted by MABO on 24 Sep 2023, 07:36

Very nice models on a really well arranged tabletop. (Even if I have to agree with the others concerning the bocage.)

Most of all one can see the big difference of equipment the opposing armies brings on the field... and in the air!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Ochoin on 24 Sep 2023, 07:55

MABO wrote:Very nice models on a really well arranged tabletop. (Even if I have to agree with the others concerning the bocage.)

Most of all one can see the big difference of equipment the opposing armies brings on the field... and in the air!

Yes, but the Germans could have won this game. It's not easy to attack a defended position.
You can (& we will) also have games with fully equipped German armoured panzer formations fighting the US & the 'Tommies'.

My main wargaming interests are (in order) Horse & Musket, Colonial & Ancients.
WW2 is a *totally* different game. I like it but don't necessarily love it. Can be a bit 'fiddly', IMO.

Differences include:
1. the empty battlefield. I like the colour & spectacle of massed troops, so WW2 loses here.
2. Spotting rules. You spend a lot of time working out who can see whom so you can shoot them.
3. Tech. Different guns with different abilities. The German Grille, for example, only fired HE & couldn't shoot at enemy armour. I found this out mid-game. Needless to say, my brave Grille was soon destroyed by a Firefly.

I should add my 2 opponents were ex-British & Australian army officers. They relish WW2 & have a skill level with modern tactics I do not have.

Still gaming is *always* a fun, social experience.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Peter on 24 Sep 2023, 17:59

Great show again Donald! Thanks fro sharing! :thumbup:

Now I'm waiting for silver and gold after we had bronze and steel! :mrgreen:
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