General Wargaming

Do you ever get told to grow up?

Posted by santifernandez on 24 Apr 2022, 10:05

Bessiere wrote:I'm curious how many here help mentor those of lesser skill levels? We all do to some degree when we contribute here of course but I mean taking time with a person, watching them work and giving constructive criticism? Formal apprenticeships are becoming a rarity and skills are lost when not passed on.

Oddly enough, this is a very competitive world in which not much is taught...otherwise the great painters would not sell their books or the publishing houses of the modeling world would not publish magazines.
I prefer the weekly meetings of associations and the meetings in competitions and exhibitions and the talks at the table, questions and conversations.
I usually encourage a lot and have a lot of empathy in my answers because this is a passion and a misunderstood answer can be very frustrating and even more so with the language barrier.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by Ochoin on 24 Apr 2022, 12:49

On the topic: I don't care what people think.
I rarely mention my hobby to "outsiders" not because I'm ashamed but because I can't be bothered then trying to justify my interests.
Anyone who thinks i "need to grow up" understands nothing, appreciates little & lives in a different (& greyer) world than me.
"There is no shame, Cassius, in your judgements, For I am armed so strong in enjoyment, that they pass by me as the idle wind, Which I respect not."....with apologies to the Bard.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by dombom on 25 Apr 2022, 06:46

I think we can't grow too old for this hobby. It's not a child activitiy in my eyes at all.
We might started when we were young, just like small kids start painting at some point in their life.
And then we grew up, always improving out skills. Just like a student studying art in university.
We develop new techniques, get a sense for what we do and how we do it and the outcome is some kind of art.
Just like an artist.

So if someone tells you, that this is childish and you should grow up, then why is painting any different? Because you can display your drawing on a wall?
When my girlfriend is doing her painting, then I'm doing my dioramas. And when we are done, we present our art peaces, explain the deeper background and highlight tiny details to eachother. So nothing wrong with that.
In the past I was a bit reluctant to show my work to my party friends, but even then I got some prais for it, so nowadays I don't hide it at all, but even talk about it and sometimes get the tasks to paint stuff for them.

For me personally the most important part about painting figures is another however:
It is some kind of meditation for me. Some people do Yoga, others sit in a cave. I paint! And it relaxes me. I forget everything around me. It's just me, the brush and the figure.
Since I'm working in a stressful job, I need this timeout.

This is just my share on it, but I bet I'm not alone with this thoughts.
dombom  Germany
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14 Jan 2019, 03:10

Posted by Harry Faversham on 25 Apr 2022, 08:07

Always helps if you have a childlike sense of humour...


(think I nailed the piccy this time!)

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Harry Faversham  England
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